Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Things are moving along quite nicely over our first few weeks since frames arriving. So far we've had frames shipped out to Sweden, the Netherlands, Scotland, Germany and Canada - more framesets sold overseas so far than here in the UK!

Jelle at singlespeed.nl is selling our framesets in the Netherlands, he's able to supply all the bits you might need to put together a complete build as well if you're not keen on doing that yourself. He carries lots of nice 29" and singlespeed stuff so if you're in the Netherlands check him out.

We sent a frame up to the good people at Singletrack (my favourite mountain bike magazine) last week so theywill be putting it through its paces over the coming months - expect to see some updates on their website and possibly a writeup in the mag if we're lucky :) See Chipps' first thoughts here.

I had a great ride in the North Downs on the weekend, caught up with Biff of The Outcast fame and a few others. Unfortunately the french wench (my beleaguered '92 Renault van) was in a bad mood on the way down and after overheating didn't want to start again, so I was late getting there... However we got started not too far behind the rest of the bunch and caught them after a while. Joe was our guide for the day and knows those woods like the back of his hand, so I saw lots of bits I'd not before - wasn't too boggy either which was nice...

Jase with his new steed (French Wench at left)

I was trying a new tyre combo of Maxxis Ignitor front and Bonty XR 1.8 in the rear - fast? yes - traction? surprisingly not bad - flat protection in rock gardens? woeful.... This was the second ride on this setup and I've punctured both times. I think I need to run a bit more rubber, pressure or both until riding some smoother trails...


Thursday, January 25, 2007

So the first framesets have been shipping out over the past couple of weeks and people seem to be happy with them. We've got bikes being tested with a couple of the mags as well, so keep an eye out for some write ups.

The above pic is from Johan in Ontario, Canada. He's had one of our prototypes for a while now and a bunch of guys over there have been giving it a try. Here's a comment from Jeff who gave it a spin..

"Just got back from a mtn ride on your Singular. Took it off road for a few hours and dude, I f**king loved it! I'm totally game for one, I dig it. I can't get over how fun it was and how challenging it was to ride off-road. Wished I had a few more gears but meh, I'd ride one anyday. Total riot. F**k the HiFi, 29ers climb like a dream and roll over s**t real well."

Apologies for the profanity, Jeff gets a little excitable :-)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Singular's first big win!

Rik Allsop plugged his way through the mud of the Strathpuffer 24 hour race to take the win in the pairs category together with Alec Laughlin. Rik's rigid singlespeed set up meant very little to go wrong, and those big 29" wheels just kept on trucking through the mud - of course he has a big engine as well.

A huge congratulations to Rik and Alec.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Well it's all been happening. Frames arrived on our fair shores this Thursday. I'm glad to say it all came through with no problems and no damage.

I'm really pleased with how the finished product has come together - they look fantastic.
There have been a few updates to the website with more coming.
We're now ready to take orders and get frames shipped - so what are you waiting for?! ;)