Our local man on the ground Jason went over during the week to secure us a nice spot alongside the course which gave us a good vantage point and also allowed us to know when we needed to head up to the changeover area. The team all arrived in good time on Friday evening which gave us the chance to barbeque, have a few beers and catch up a bit.
Having endured the quagmire of the past two Mayhems everyone was wishing for a dry one and indeed the days prior seemed to promise that. So it was with a little trepidation we retired on Friday night with raindrops pattering on our rooves. Thankfully rising proved it wasn't too heavy and strong wind plus intermittent sunshine and 2,500 riders going over the course conspired to dry things out quite quickly.
Steve being our fastest rider and best and most enthusiastic runner took on the Le Mans start and did us more than proud by finishing the run in seventh place - then following it up with a blistering 41 minute lap to put us in the top 20 overall from the start.
We swapped off riders every lap until it got dark when we kicked off the doubles, meaning we'd already done three each by that point. As expected, Steve kept churning them out, the fantastic USE lights turning night into day meaning he was still running around 47 minutes for his night laps. Unfortunately Dom then got the worst of a bit of a shower which quickly made certain sections of the course very slimy indeed. It was still pretty slick when I head out for my doubles at about 3.30am. I'd only managed about an hour's sleep, but felt OK for around 1 & 2/3 laps. I felt lucky at that point - glad to be out on the course during that magical time as the sun comes up.
Felix (Dom's son) gives the bikes a final check over
However coming up the final long climb I suddenly had no power left and the slightest incline forced my off the bike and walking. People I'd passed suddenly went zooming past. I was reduced to asking passersby if they had any gels or even water left as by that point my stores were depleted externally as well as internally. For a moment I even contemplated the prospect of the shortest route back to camp or at least a brief lie-down in the grass trackside. Thankfully Rory from USE came past and provided the motivation for me to push on to the top - from where it was more or less dowhill all the way to the end. Then handing over to Grant (who'd said prior 'I'm your man just to keep churning out the night laps when the going gets nasty') said, "I don't think I should do a double, it might take ages like yours did, tell Steve to be ready in an hour
And of course he was. I thankfully got a little more sleep, Steve and Dom kept flying around, Grant and I kept plodding, and when we we'd all had enough Steve even put in a double to finish - none of his having taken more than 50 minutes
In the end Steve did nine, Dom seven, Grant and I six each - 28 total. We were over a lap up on the next singlespeed team, and finished 8th overall in the sport teams category. Thanks to all those who gave us shouts of encouragement along the way.